Adult Study Groups - We have two adult study groups and may add more as the opportunity presents itself.  Right now there is a Saturday morning study that begins at 9:30am after some singing.  You can access the current study guide here

On Wednesday nights at 7pm there is a study group venturing through the inspirational focus on the second coming using the book "Last Day Events".  This study will take place at Linda Hall.  Study guides are available here

Bags of Love - Many hardships are faced by children taken into custody by CPS.  Their whole environment is in upheaval and a touch of love is often needed to help them through such a time.  Members of the Hayfork church regularly make quilts and add them to many nice items (stuffed animals, etc).  These are placed in a kid-friendly bag and taken to the local authorities who give them to the children when they are facing this tough time.  We have received positive feedback from parents later saying their child was grateful to have such items during that time. 

Children's Ministry - Each week classes are provided on Saturday mornings at 9:30am for children.  Ages go from 0 to teens with interactive classes, singing and crafts.  See the greeter as you come into the sanctuary for more information. 

Deaf Ministry - We have a sign language team available each week for the hearing impaired.  Also, when Pastor Miller comes on the 1st Sabbath (Saturday) of the month he almost always uses Powerpoint with each text on the screen and most of the main points along with pictures.  This helps the hearing impaired participate more fully in the worship service each week.

Food Store - Looking for some healthy vegetarian alternatives for an upcoming meal?  We currently stock canned and frozen meat alternatives along with many other "health food" items.  Contact Us for more information.  This service saves you a trip to Redding and the proceeds go to a worthy cause that is chosen at the end of each fiscal year. 

Guest Dinners - Each week there is a vegetarian buffet luncheon at Linda Hall after the worship service.  All guests and members are invited to attend the worship service at 11:00am and then stay by for a time of fellowship and great food!  The team that leads this  ministry truly loves to serve and you can come as you are to this meal.

International Children's Care - Each week we take up an offering before the Children's story to sponsor a child in need in another country.  See our bulletin board for a picture and name of the child we are currently sponsoring.  Also, bring a generous offering and give so we can sponsor more children as the funds become available.

Personal Ministries - Many seminars were held this last year as a result of our active Personal Ministries department.  They included: Addiction Recovery; Herb Class; Hydrotherapy; Reversing Diabetes and Heart Disease and a Bible seminar.  Door-to-door community surveying along with literature distribution has been an effective way to find out the needs and let our community know we are offering helpful classes to meet those needs. 

Prayer Ministries- If you have a prayer request, then contact Pastor Brownell ( and it can be submitted to our prayer "chain" that prays for each request. 

Pathfinders - Pathfinders is a very active ministry that takes place at our School Campus on Hyampom Road.  The activities are geared towards grades 5-10 and range from outdoor adventures (camping, caving, rock climbing, etc) to service (gathering food for the needy and various community service projects).  Each participant learns life-lessons that they will never forget.  For more information fill out the form on the "Contact Us" page or e-mail

Spiritual Care - A recently launched ministry is the quarterly visitation Sabbaths coordinated by the Elders / Deacons and Deaconnesses in conjunction with the Pastor.  Once per quarter a letter will be sent out to all members letting them know we will be stopping by on a particular date.  If you are in need of spiritual care or prayer, then please enjoy some refreshing spiritual reading while you wait for us to get to your home.  If you have a particular time you would like us to come by, then feel free to contact the pastor to arrange an appointment.  Otherwise, we will see you when we get to your home! 

Vespers - "Vespers" is a word that has been used to denote evening worship.  The Hayfork church has a weekly evening worship each Saturday just after sundown in the Sanctuary.  We are gearing up for another year of inspirational worship times meant to point you heavenward as you start each new week!

Women's Ministry - Annual events are currently being planned for this next year.  Included last year was a Women's tea time along with gathering used eyeglasses for women in the Congo region of Africa.